Street Therapists : Race, Affect, and Neoliberal Personhood in Latino Newark free download PDF, EPUB, MOBI, CHM, RTF. Book Review Smith, Y. (2014). Doing race and emotion in an aggressive city.[Review of the book Street Therapists: Race, Affect, and Neoliberal Personhood in Latino Newark, A. Y. Ramos-Zayas.] Current Anthropology, 55(3), 362-363. [2.326/3.386] Manuscripts Under Review Her newly published book, Street Therapists, Race, Affect, and Neoliberal Personhood in Latino Newark (University of Chicago Press, 2012) is the winner of the 2012 Puerto Rican Studies Association Frank Bonilla Book Award. Seminar participants are reading her work and excited about the prospect of engaging the author about the theoretical and Get this from a library! Street therapists:race, affect, and neoliberal personhood in Latino Newark. [Ana Y Ramos-Zayas] - Drawing from almost a decade of ethnographic research in largely Brazilian and Puerto Rican neighborhoods in Newark, New Jersey, Ana Y. Ramos